The Chebucto Community NetVolunteer of the Month!
Ed Dyer
Active in several CCN committees including Technical and Information Provider, Editor of the CCN Religion Page and Assistant Postmaster of CCN (which is actually the Postmaster job in everything but name for reasons too arcane to go into here) with all that that entails, Ed Dyer wears many hats at CCN and elsewhere as well. Articulate and soft-spoken with the mien of a Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th Street, this co-inventor of the thirty hour day also helps out with the ppp-help mailing list where Chebucto Plus users write for assistance. One of CCN's earliest account holders (aa146), his empathy for the average user and ability to see the indirect consequences of actions make for a quiet room when he speaks.
The Chebucto Community Net Volunteer of the Month page is accepting nominees. Do you know of someone who has gone the extra mile on behalf of CCN? Is there someone on your committee who keeps giving their all without any notice or fanfare? Show them their efforts are appreciated: send an email telling us what it is they have done or are doing. To those people who have nominated Blaine Murphy, the hard-working CCN Office staffer, he is ineligible as his is a paid staff position and not a volunteer one.
You may send your nominations or suggestions about this page to: Andrew D. Wright,
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