A Column by and for Youth
For those of you new to the
Chebucto Community Net and the Internet (WWW) as a whole, it may be
surprising how many things you can find in cyberspace. Of course, with
the mass media drilling into our heads everyday the vast concept and power
of the World-Wide-Web, it's hard to be surprised by anything these
Many people look at Chebucto Community Net's homepage for the first time
and ask: "So, when do I get to use the Internet?" This is a common
mis-conception, especially among new users. CCN itself is the
"Internet!" Or, more correctly, is part of the "World-Wide-Web." The "Internet"
was actually established in 1968 as a way of using networked computers to
transfer important information during the Cold War. The "World-Wide-Web",
still mistaken for the "Internet", was established for personal use in
But "The Internet" (networked computers) is still alive and
well! From "hypertext links" within Web documents you can visit a "site"
on another "server" (a networked computer on the "Internet") within a
matter of seconds - this is still an aspect of the Internet present today
on the WWW.
Of course, there's a lot more to take in and a lot of
new technical jargon if you're just getting started. If you're new to the CCN, why not browse through the online Help Desk
they've set up?
When asked to write this "youth"
column, my first daunting task was to find a suitable topic for
discussion. I reached out to members of the CCN-Youth
electronic mailing-list, but was disappointed after only getting two
responses. For a long time I thought I'd never think of anything good! I
mean, today's youth have so many varying interests that it seems almost
impossible to select a subject agreeable to everyone.
"Write what
you feel," I was told - That's just it, I don't really "feel" anything, at
least not on a topic I can devote a whole article to.
Most of my
time is spent working on my homepage,
although my friends Deep Grewal and John Hamilton have
been working diligently on their homepages as well. It just goes to show
that not all of today's youth are rotting in front of the television or
wasting their money at the arcade!
One of the beauties of the CCN
is that through it you can write globally accessible HTML Web documents,
such as the homepages above, as well as that of my "cyber-friend" Thom
I have met numerous individuals on the internet,
through the CCN. People from all around the world! I've heard from
visitors to my homepage from as far away as Austria, Hawaii, Japan and
Hungary! Also, with full internet access through the Chebucto Community
Net, you can access sites where, for instance, you can become "linked"
with an electronic penpal, or chat with
someone on the Webchat
service or any number of IRC's (Internet Relay
Chat) But not only that, you can even order complete magazine
subscriptions, pizzas and even entire software packages - directly
There's so many things you can do on the CCN, but
you'll notice I still haven't said much in this article
You'll, of course, notice the "smiley" I wrote in the previous
paragraph. This is my "trademark" smiley! On the internet I recently
came across The
Unofficial Smiley Dictionary! "Smilies" are used as a way of
displaying the mood or expression of the person
However, after the "chat" forums, penpal lists, IRCs
and "smileys" comes a more negative aspect of the CCN, or more
appropriately, the Internet (WWW). With full access, there's no way of
preventing access to lewd and/or potentially illegal material (do the
terms "KKK" and "Satan" come to mind? How about "bondage?") I hope to
discuss these topics further in future columns. For now, though, I'd
like to thank you for reading this, my first of possibly a long string of
future articles on the CCN and the Internet - for "youth!"
Chebucto Connections YOUTH CORNER
is edited by Matthew
who is happy to receiveQuestions,
Comments or
If your browser does not support mail, write to
Matthew later at ac507@ccn·cs·dal·ca.
Next Month: September 1995