McNabs and Lawlor Islandsprepared by Nova Scotia Natural
Resources and Canadian Heritage, Parks Canada
Contents | Previous Section
Questions to Ask and Answer
The following broad questions are suggested to assist readers in considering
some of the key subject areas that must be addressed in the preparation of a
sound land use strategy for McNabs and Lawlor islands.
- What natural or heritage resources should be considered as priorities for
- What actions should be taken to ensure visitor understanding and
appreciation of the islands' heritage resources?
- What type of park should be established at McNabs and Lawlor islands? In
particular, what should be the balance between the protection of natural and
historic resources, and recreational development and use?
- What government agency or agencies, or combination of government agencies
and other groups, should manage McNabs and Lawlor islands as parkland?
OPEN HOUSES: 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. AND 6:30 - 9:00 P.M.
- Monday, October 2
- Eastern Passage-Cow Bay Volunteer Fire Department, Caldwell Road, Eastern
- Tuesday, October 3
- Holiday Inn Dartmouth, Alderney Room, 99 Wyse Road, Dartmouth
- Wednesday, October 4
- World Trade and Convention Centre, Highland 6 Room, 1800 Argyle Street,
PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2:00 - 4:30 P.M. AND 7:00 - 10:00 P.M.
- Monday, October 30
- Eastern Passage-Cow Bay Volunteer Fire Department, Caldwell Road, Eastern
- Wednesday, November 1
- Holiday Inn Dartmouth, McNabs A and B Rooms, 99 Wyse Road, Dartmouth
- Thursday, November 2
- World Trade and Convention Centre, Highland 9 Room, 1800 Argyle Street,
Those wishing to make a presentation are asked to call (902) 424-4983 at
least seven days prior to the meeting date. Supporting written submissions are
Come to the Open Houses and Public Hearings
A series of OPEN HOUSES are being held to provide background information to
interested parties and opportunities for informal discussions on the management
of McNabs and Lawlor islands as parkland. Anyone interested in learning more
about the islands' resources is encouraged to attend these Open Houses (schedule
PUBLIC HEARINGS are being held to provide interested parties with the
opportunity to make oral and/or written presentations regarding the future
management of McNabs and Lawlor islands as parkland. Comments received will be
carefully considered in the preparation of the land use strategy.
For further information, write or call:Brian Kinsman
Parks and Recreation Planning
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
R.R. # 1, Belmont
Colchester County, Nova Scotia
(902) 662-3030
(902) 424-4983 (local call)
Rob Thompson
Professional and Technical Services
Department of Canadian Heritage
Historic Properties
Upper Water Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 1S9
(902) 426-3281
Those unable to present materials at the public hearings may submit comments
or written briefs to the above addresses.
September 1995
McNabs and Lawlor Islands
| Contents | Previous Section | End of Document
The tabloid McNabs and Lawlor Islands prepared by the Nova Scotia
Department of Natural Resouces and Parks Canada of Canadian Heritage in support
of their Fall 1995 public consultation process.
This Internet version was prepared with permission by the Federation of Nova
Scotia Naturalists (FNSN) and the Friends of McNabs Island Society