"A key element to any program nowadays is to measure its success,"
explains Malcolm McKechnie, HSO spokesperson. "This is the first time the
Canadian government has attempted to green such a large event and
therefore an environmental review and assessment is imperative."
The environmental review will determine the degree to which HSO
achieved its environmental goals. The evaluation goes beyond the present
Summit and considers the forward looking aspects of how things could be
done better in the future.
The audit will be independently managed by the CEC Environmental Audit
Working group. The CEC is a group composed of representatives from
environmental groups, business, concerned individuals and interested
governmental departments.
"The CEC has always maintained the need for an independent review and
assessment," says Martin Janowitz, chairman of the CEC. "Not only will it
help in the planning of future events, but it also creates an atmosphere of
legitimacy right now. The promise of an audit ensures that all those
working on the Summit will take the HSO's environmental guidelines
Environmental awareness is an integral theme of the Halifax Summit. HSO,
in conjunction with the Civic Environmental Committee, is working hard to
ensure the Summit becomes a positive environmental model for others to
emulate. Already the Summit has committed to diverting 85% of waste from
landfills through the "G-7 Waste Zero" program; all HSO operations follow
the guidelines set out by the Environmental Choice ProgramM; and all media
and delegates will receive a Summit mug to discourage them from using
styrofoam cups.
The Halifax Summit is a gathering of leaders from the seven largest
industrialized nations as well as representatives of the European Union and
the Russian Federation. The event will take place in Halifax from June 15-
17, 1995.
For more information contact:
Malcolm McKechnie Halifax Summit Office Spokesperson (902) 473-7117