Editor's note: Until a new editor takes over Between Tips we're going to have to make do with The Phantom. It will exist only in CyberSpace - I don't plan to distribute paper copies. Updates will be broadcast whenever sufficient new material is received.
I ask you, dear reader, to occasionally send a short summary of recent events in your part of the Nova Scotia square and round dance world. Images are welcome; I will crop and enhance as needed. Send your contributions to "gwelch@ap.stmarys.ca". Messages with attachments sometimes don't get past my spam filter, so it would be helpful to send a separate "heads-up" email advising me to expect your contribution.
Number 2
May 2010
Editor: Gary Welch
Chaircouple Dianne & Wayne Burns visit this well-known club located in Plant City, Florida on February 10 to advertise Halifax National Festival 2010. The visiting delegation includes friend and New Brunswick caller Terry Hebert.
Friday evening, March 12 saw 5 enthusiastic squares whooping it up at North Woodside Community Centre to the toe-tapping music of the Metro Fiddlers. Caller Dottie Welch entertained dancers with a unique and enjoyable mix of modern and traditional choreography. Between square dance tips the fiddlers offered opportunities to demonstrate waltzing skills (right).
This year's dance donated $475 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Thanks to all who came and gave!
Gail Davis and Inge Ruohoniemi are ready to answer questions about visiting Halifax
Dottie Welch enjoys the spring sun on her way to the A2/C1 Hall
Crowding the school cafeteria, four squares of dancers are eager to start.
Wrapping up the C1 session Saturday night.
Registration is now at 791, and the budget has been refined again aiming to break even at 1,000 dancers. (80 ‘blocked’ rooms are booked at hotels for which there are no dance registrations yet.) Besides Canadians, there are registrations from USA, England, Qatar, Switzerland, and a bus load from Japan enroute.
Volunteers are needed to help set up from 6:00 a.m. Wednesday, assist with all aspects of the Festival during the 3 days & tear down Saturday night (dancers or ex-dancers not attending F2010 are welcome). There is a slight possibility we may be able to get into the Metro Centre on Tue to carry out some preliminary tasks, which would be a plus. Volunteers please contact Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi at (902) 757-3884, or e-mail bobruoho@ns.sympatico.ca
Arrangements have been made to hold a ‘Solos Get Acquainted’ dinner on Wednesday evening. Solos are being invited to make reservations. See the Program section of the 2010 part of the website.
A Trail In dance will be held Wednesday night at Metro Centre Arena & Mezzanine 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. This event is open to all dancers. See the Calendar of Events for more information.
There will be no National Festival in 2012. It has been confirmed, however, that the 2014 National Festival will be held in Ottawa.
The Border Rounders continue to dance as a two level club on Thursday nights but have no plans to hold any more classes. Their closing is May 28th when they will hold a supper/dance party. There will be 2 couples graduating at that time.
Strathmore Strutters, now finished for season, will resume dancing every second week during the summer, starting end of May. They plan to have their Canada Day games & pot luck again.
Cumberland Twirlers, with new Caller, Faye Germon, continue to support charitable organizations, raising $285 for Heart & Stroke at a February Valentine dance. Their goal of $1,000 contribution was realized and turned in to 2010 Committee. They have been successful in having their October 2010 Open House listed on Tantramar Senior College fall curriculum. Representatives from the club will be on hand for College sign up in September. A retirement party for previous Caller, Ken & Fran Eagles is scheduled for May 12 (Ed: See article below).
South Shore
Congratulations to Sunrise Squares for 25 years of dancing; they will be graduating one couple at the club closing. LaHave River Ramblers: Heart & Stroke fund raiser $300; the club has one person graduating this year
The Metro Heart Dance (see separate report in this issue of the Phantom) raised $475 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Weekly summer dancing from Thursday, June 3 to Thursday, Aug 12 (except on July 29 because of the Halifax National Festival) at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Hall (Summer Dancing schedule).
A dance hosted by the Fundy Squares raised $800 for Valley Cardiac Society.
The West Kings Twirlers IWK dance realized $1,600.
Berwick Beaus & Belles celebrated the 97th Birthday of Ester Chute, an active member of that club.
Valley clubs joined together to successfully raise $1,645 for Heart & Stroke
The Annapolis Valley weekly summer dance program runs Tue, June 8 – Tue, August 31 at Morden Community Centre (Summer Dancing schedule).
Highland Squares continued to hold weekly dances with approximately 3 squares/night. Following their May closing, members & class will enjoy a June pot luck and an August BBQ, both followed by dancing. Their class of 2 couples, 1 single will graduate early next year.
Maple Leaf Whirlaways will graduate 2 couples at their May closing dance. Summer will feature a June BBQ & dance just to keep in touch. Ralph MacDonald reported that square dancing has been listed as part of Antigonish County Senior Games. He has 12 new dancers working on a couple of tips in preparation for competitions in June held at St. Andrews Community Centre. Hopefully this will develop a further interest in modern square dancing by those participating this and future years.
Bluenose RV Squares are getting ready for another summer of camping, dancing & fun. The first weekend is June 4, 5, & 6 at Elm River Campground (Summer Dancing schedule). This is the only club in the Province with continual and substantial growth.
Ten leaders converged on E.H. Horne School in Enfield on April 17 for a professional workshop and business meeting. The next such event is scheduled for September 25 at the same location.
The 5th biannual Alguire Memorial Callers School is tentatively scheduled for Aug 21 – 26, 2011 at Elm River Park Campground.
The next MCCA workshop weekend will be held in Amherst June 12-13, 2010. The traditional ‘night before’ dance is scheduled for Mount Whatley, Friday, June 11th.
ANSSRDT Liaison Dottie Welch reported that the DANS project to encourage square dance as part of the school curriculum (a labour of love many years in the making) has been completed and sent for production. The program comprises a music and calling CD, a DVD showing students demonstrating the dances, and a 120 page instruction booklet aimed at teachers interested in introducing their students to square and contra dancing. It is being provided free to all NS schools.
The Federation is looking for a region to host Festival 2011! Old Orchard has been tentatively booked for July 22, 23. If no region steps forward, ANSSRDT will consider accepting the responsibility. Our preference, however, is for regional dancers to organize this event as in past years.
The Nominating Committee is searching for people willing to stand for the following positions at the next AGN (October 2010):
Please encourage your fellow dancers to become involved. Ralph & Valerie Brown chair the Nominating Committee; they may be reached at (902) 543-5278, or by e-mail at rwvjbrown@eastlink.ca
The AGN is scheduled to take place on October 16, 2010 at North Woodside Community Centre, Dartmouth. Details are presented in the Calendar of Events.
Photos of this event, which took place on May 8, were kindly provided by Bob Ruohoniemi.
After 15 years of calling for the Cumberland Twirlers, Kenny Eagles and his wife Fran have concluded another phase of their life; and on May 12, 2010, approximately 100 people – dancers, callers, and family – gathered to express their thanks and wish them well for the future. Kenny called in Murray Corner, NB, and Dorchester, NB, before being enticed in 1995 to cross the border and join the Cumberland Twirlers as their new caller. For the next 15 years, Kenny called in Amherst/Nappan, NS, where he and his wife Fran served as the caller couple. Over those years they instructed and graduated 33 couples. However, their years with the Cumberland Twirlers included a great deal more than just calling and teaching. While Kenny and Fan were always interested in the welfare of the dancers, they were equally
interested in the welfare of the club as well as the Square and Round Dance Federation. Also, Kenny and Fran were wonderful community volunteers, giving of their time and talents to lead the Cumberland Twirlers in many extracurricular dance programs. These included nursing/special care homes, senior functions, local expeditions, mall demos, community fund-raisers to name just a few.
No retirement party would be complete without presentations and lots of photos, and that was certainly the case. Kenny received certificates of appreciation and retirement from the Cumberland Twirlers, the Canadian Square and Round Dance Society, the Square and Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia, and the Association of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers.
Cameras became very busy again as the evening’s activities approached their climax. President couple, Gerry and Marion McLellan, presented Kenny and Fran with a life membership. Then a queen-size quilt, a gift from the club, was revealed. Each square on the quilt had a square dance silhouette. Below each silhouette were the name/names of present/past members of Cumberland Twirlers. The quilt was the work of members of Cumberland Twirlers, and Kenny and Fran were moved by the gift and its symbolism. With the quilt as the backdrop, Kenny and Fran cut their retirement cake.
The dance portion of the evening came to a close with a special tip and Friendship Ring called by the new Cumberland Twirlers’ caller, Faye Germon. This was followed by a delicious lunch and more good wishes.
* Want to dance the next tip but can't quite make a square? Experienced dancers know the solution: ask a phantom (or two) to fill in! Phantoms are spirits who come when needed, and do their part of the action so the real folks can dance. They are, however, quite mischievous, and their antics can cause all sorts of hilarious bloopers by real dancers! Thankfully, phantoms disappear when no longer needed. Like its namesake, this newsletter has come when needed. It's antics will be harmless. Hopefully it will soon disappear when Between Tips returns. Meantime, watch out for the latest contributions!