"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939 Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
APRIL 2009 -- NUMBER 151
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Editor's Comments:
This BT has news from: YOUR Federation, FESTIVAL 2010, METRO Association, International Dance Council, CID, UNESCO, Valley Association, LaHave River Ramblers, and other sources.
At the Winter Federation Board meeting, it was agreed to take part in the 50+EXPO on 12/13 June 2009. As in the past, there will be demonstration dancing throughout each day.
FESTIVAL 2009 News: The Biannual Federation Festival 2009, July 24 & 25, 2009 at the Old Orchard Inn, is fast approaching. The Early Registration Deadline is 1 May, 2009. For those who are RV-ers, a listing of nearby campgrounds is provided here:
See "", then click on "2010".
Use every opportunity to tell non-dancers about the unique recreation you have found. You never know when you will spark some interest that will bring new friends to the dance floor.
If you have an idea for a larger publicity venture, suggest it to your Association or Federation Representative.
The 2009 METRO Heart Fund Dance planned for 28 Feb. was canceled, and is now rescheduled for
The METRO Association was invited to the 35th Anniversary Multicultural Show, held on 21 March at Mount St. Vincent – University. The F2010 Demo Square Dances (see below) were performed, and received loud applause and post-show words of praise.
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The future of dance lies where there are persons who do not dance. These belong to two categories: those who simply did not learn, and those who think that they are not able to dance. They represent the greatest challenge for the dance teacher's profession.
In line with UNESCO's struggle against prejudice and discrimination, we are trying to expand the boundaries of dance and to change the current perception of what a dancer is. Dance performances are not necessarily exhibitions of extreme physicality, accurate precision, or bursting emotion - they can be celebrations of interaction between performers. We can enrich dance concerts with dancers, singers, actors, narrators, mimes, acrobats etc., of all ages and all degrees of ability.
Bringing the 'excluded' into dance is a moral duty, but also opens a great door in times of economic crisis and unemployment. In every country there are millions of persons with physical or mental disabilities. We believe they are ready to dance. They will create jobs to thousands of dance teachers. They can be assisted by the Ministry of Health, whose budget is many times bigger than that of the Ministry of Culture. Integrating marginalized persons into the practice of dance is as important as integrating them into the workforce. CID holds to the philosophy that everyone can dance. Dance Day 2009 is dedicated to inclusive dance. Let us include all members of society into our classes and our performances.
Prof. Alkis Raftis, President of the International Dance Council CID, UNESCO, Paris
The Valley Heart Dance was held this year Saturday February 21st at 8 p.m. at the Waterville Fire Hall. The dance was again a success with some $1515.00 raised and presented to the Heart Foundation.
The Square and Round dance event was hosted this year by Fundy Squares Dance Club with help from the other Valley Clubs. Callers from all Valley clubs participated and made for an enjoyable evening. Highlight of the evening was the performance of “Mary’s Islanders”, a local youth dance troupe who have traveled to many places entertaining many people. The Host, Al Worthen, thanked all who attended, helped out in any way, and showed how square and round dancing can be a success when we all work together. Several pictures from the dance are shown below.
Submitted by: Bill & Gerti Oldford
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LaHave River Ramblers Square Dance Club began its season in mid September, 2008. New dancers are always invited to the first two nights, free of charge, to try the enjoyment of square dancing. Four new couples and a single were present, one couple who had previously square danced in Ontario, and three couples and a single person began class.
A highlight of this season was the 20th Anniversary Dance, October 25th 2008. A committee consisting of Paul & Carol Conrad, Erma Fraser, Doug & Sharon Hill, Leslie Mason, Gerry & Irlene McKeil and Ruth Murray took on the task of planning a 20th year celebration of the LaHave River Ramblers. They decided that all past members of the LaHave River Ramblers receive written invitations to attend this special celebration. Twenty eight were sent to the retired, or relocated past members.
Present Caller Barry Bendle, and past Callers Laurie and Elizabeth Hutchcroft, Laurie Illsley and Pat Matheson were to lead us through the evening of dancing. Unfortunately, Pat’s health kept him from participating.
The evening of dancing began with Club Caller Barry Bendle Calling the opening tip. The Club originators Laurie and Elizabeth Hutchcroft, called the next tip, as well as giving an historical account of the early days of the Club and the progress along the way. Elizabeth read a poem that was started in the early days of the Club, with additional verses added each year.
The most senior past-members, Leslie Mason & Elaine Ernst took us back to the beginning of the Club in 1988, relating to the difficulty in getting enough people to form a square, the growth the Club enjoyed, the comradeship through interaction with members, as well as other Clubs, and the lifelong friendships Square Dancing has given them.
Over the twenty years, four callers assisted in calling for the Club at various times. Laurie and Elizabeth were the original callers, their retirement from their work places brought about the first change. Their retirement saw them move away from the Bridgewater area, as well as hitting the highway traveling in their new found free time. Thankfully, Laurie llsley made himself available as interim Club Caller for a year until the Hutchcroft’s returned to their new home site in Cornwallis, Digby Co. Laurie Hutchcroft once again began calling in the fall of 2000, but found the travel across country serious challenge, bringing about a need to find a new permanent caller. Barry Bendle was approached to come to Bridgewater to be the Club Caller. He said he would give it a try, and has been the Club Caller since 2001.
Throughout the evening a power point presentation of all the Club’s graduated members and activities, put together by Laurie Hutchcroft, ran continuously. As well, many dancers leafed through a collage of photos and the Club’s photo album.
Twenty year certificates were presented to Club Presidents Mike & Rosie Touesnard. Ralph and Valerie Brown (at left) presented a “Certificate of Appreciation” on behalf of the Square and Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia. Bob and Inge Ruohoniemi (above) presented a certificate on behalf of the Canadian Square and Round Dance Society. The evening was capped when an anniversary cake (below) was cut by Club Presidents Mike and Rosie Touesnard, Past Presidents Paul and Carol Conrad, present Caller Barry and Taw Dyanna Bendle, and past Callers Laurie & Elizabeth Hutchcroft.
After the friendship ring, lunch and cake were enjoyed by the one hundred people present. The Club is grateful to Laurie and Elizabeth Hutchcroft, Laurie Illsley, Barry Bendle for their calling at this special dance. Also, many thanks to the Hutchcrofts, Leslie Mason, Elaine Ernst and Al Durham for their historical snippets down memory lane, and to Laurie Hutchcroft for putting together the power point presentation. To the committee, many thanks, to Club members for the food, decorations, and photos. As well, many thanks to visiting club members who attended this historic dance; your presence made it more special.
In November the Club’s Theme night, tagged as “Crazy Hat” night, saw dancers adorned in some interesting hats. Anything from decorated lamp shades to decorated salad bowls brought a smile to our faces. It was great fun for all. This was great followup to last years’ theme “Pajama” attire.
A number of dancers from other clubs attended the Christmas dance in early December before we broke for the Holiday Season. As usual, all left with some food in their bellies giving them enough fuel to sustain them until they safely reached home.
The New Year brought about the opening dance in January. February, being Heart and Stroke month saw the club raise $330.00 for a great cause. The money was presented to Heart and Stroke officials in attendance. They heartily expressed appreciation to the Club on behalf of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia.
Respectfully submitted by Paul & Carol Conrad.
4 April - CUMBERLAND TWIRLERS, Maple Fling, ARHS Willow St, Amherst, NS
6 April - TIMBERLEA TWIRLERS, 50-60's Dance, Lakeside Fire Hall, Myra Road, Timberlea.
24/25 April - New England Square and Round Dance Convention, Sturbridge MA., 508-376-4952
7-9 May - T&D International Square and Round Dance Convention, St. Catharines, ON
9 May - COORDINATORS, Plus Windup & Sail into Summer Dance. North Woodside Community Centre, Dartmouth.
21 May - DICE HILL SQUARES, Mulberry Dance, Ardoise Community Hall.
29-31 May - New Zealand 43rd Convention, Christchurch, NZ,
4-8 June - 50th Australian National Convention, Perth, Australia.
11-13 June - 50th International Square & Round Dance & Clogging Convention, Saskatoon, SK,
25-28 June - 58th US National Convention, Long Beach, California.
24/25 July - Nova Scotia FEDERATION FESTIVAL 2009. Old Orchard Inn, Greenwich NS
From the American Callers October 08 Newsletter, via the Internet