"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
MARCH 1999
(Back Issues) (Return to Home Index)
The Organizing Committee for FESTIVAL 99 made a major decision early in their planningprocess. It was evident that ready cash would be needed before F99 registrations started to flow in. Aswell, the Committee members were aware of the success F97 had enjoyed with their Quilt Raffle. So it wasdecided to conduct a F99 Quilt Raffle.
The pattern for the F99 quilt was chosen to represent both the Square and the Round Danceactivities that we all enjoy so much. Each "Block" has a centre square surrounded by a stylized circle. TheQueen-sized quilt has complementary colours of dark green and flower-print material. Each Block has awhite border.
The F99 Committee commissioned a Cape Breton group of quilters to make the quilt for the raffle.The craftsmanship of these individuals is "awesome" (in the current vernacular).Several dancers who are also quilters have observed that this is a quality item that anyone would be proudto own.
Raffle tickets will be on sale at all Central Region Clubs and will be provided to purchasers atvarious Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance "Events". The FESTIVAL 99 Quilt will also be displayed atmany of these dances. The lucky winner will be announced at the FESTIVAL on August 7th at Mount St.Vincent University.
If you'd like tickets, contact your Federation Representative or join FESTIVAL 99 committeemembers at major dances where they will be pleased to provide them to you.
FESTIVAL 99 - "A Step in Time in 99" Register NOW !!
Items of Interest from the Federation Executive Meeting - 23 Jan
Festival '99 Callers and Cuers
Submitted by Dottie Welch, Festival '99 Program Chairman
We are delighted to announce the selection of a talented staff of callers and cuers for Festival '99. The Square and Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia has established some criteria regarding the hiringof leaders for the Festival. Their guidelines recommend that the leaders be chosen from ANSSRDTmembers in good standing. Since this is a staff hired with a limited budget, the leaders are to be chosen insuch a way as to represent the local region and a sampling of other regions in the province. In addition,one guest caller and/or cuer may be invited to further enhance the staff. In accordance with thoseguidelines we have chosen the following callers and cuers to participate in our Festival.
As our guest caller we have invited Gerry O'Hara from Fredericton, New Brunswick. Gerry livedfor several years in the Halifax / Dartmouth area calling for three clubs during that time so he is an oldfriend to many of us and thus an appropriate guest. Our Central Region staff callers will be Pat Alguire,Kerry Fletcher, Dottie Welch and Harry Lofgren. In addition, Barry Bendle and Vicky Elliott will becalling at the street and mall demonstration dances Saturday morning. To represent the other regions ofthe province, we have chosen Jack MacArthur from the Highland Region, Dave Paulen from the CapeBreton Region and Neil Dorey from the South Shore Region. For cuers from the Central Region we haveAlex Ritchie and Bernice Thurber, John and Valerie Pinks, and Larry and Margie Clark. As well we haveinvited Beth and John Dickinson from the Fundy Region.
All of the staff will be sharing the calling and cueing duties in four halls at Mount Saint VincentUniversity for the evening of Friday, August 6th and all day Saturday, August 7th. Please plan to join inthe fun dancing Basic, Mainstream, Plus or Rounds as we "Step in Time in '99" at the 9th Nova ScotiaSquare and Round Dance Festival and simultaneously celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding ofHalifax. Look for more information on your club bulletin board or contact Mel and Marion Lever at902-434-5250.
Regular readers of Between Tips may recall that last year's March edition invited Federation Clubsto notify Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi, RR#1, Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0 of their annual "Special" dance dates.The purpose was to try to reduce the "conflicts" where "Special" or fund-raising dances are scheduled forthe same date by notifying everyone as early as possible. Publication here does not imply that the date isreserved but only indicates the organizer's tentative plans. Unfortunately, only the Central Region Clubshave decided to share their plans.
Thursday 21 October, 1999 Saturday 20 November, 1999 Saturday 15 January, 2000 Saturday 26 February, 2000 Saturday 11 March, 2000 Saturday 1 April, 2000 Saturday 15 April, 2000 Saturday 6 May, 2000 Saturday 13 May, 2000 Saturday 20 May, 2000 | - Lake City Swingers "Swing Into Fall" - Metro Merry Makers/Ocean Waves "Harvest Moon Dance" - METRO Association "January Jig" - METRO Association "Dance for Heart" - Rag Rounds/Dancing Shadows "Shindig" - Fun Squares "Apple Crisp Dance" - Scotia Dancers "Spring Fling" - Fun Time Rounds "Parade of Rounds" - Co-ordinators "Sail Into Summer" - Stardusters "Sweetheart Dance" |
The Border Rounders' Christmas Party
Everyone in the Border Rounders had a wonderful Xmas season highlighted by their Christmasparty held on Thurs., Dec. 10th. A delicious pot luck supper, catered by the ladies of the club, was followedby an evening of dances, spot prizes, skits, and socializing. Two of the spot prizes were donated by PercyMacdonald and featured his beautiful scroll woodwork.
We had a modernized version of "The Night Before Christmas" read by David Van Zoost andappropriately called "Politically Correct Xmas Poem". We also enjoyed a celebrity cooking skit featuringJulia Childish and world famous chef, Blotto Von Hammered-Shultz (alias Lynn and Ron Estabrooks)cooking up a rum cake. There was lots of laughter and applause for both efforts. The Border Rounderscontinued with their Christmas tradition of bringing a gift for a child to be given to a local charity for theirXmas Cheer boxes. Ron Estabrooks accepted the gifts for the council of churches. The evening ended withgoodbyes and good wishes for the holiday season.
After a week's postponement, dancing began again on Jan.14th.
Strathmor Strutters New Year's Party It was a sellout with 21 couples in attendance.. Wehad a special 92 year old guest, Pearl McCurdy, in attendance who helped us say "goodbye" to FatherTime and to "welcome" our New Year's Baby. We then indulged in a most delicious Pot Luck Hot andCold Buffet. Seeing the need to reprimand ourselves for having overindulged, some danced till thebewitching hour of 2:30 am. A good time was had by all.
Hub Trackers New Year's Eve Ball Seven Squares danced out the old year and danced in thenew year. Jack and Dolores MacArthur, Hilton and Vi MacIntosh, Alex Ritchie and Bernice Thurber keptus moving with smiles and laughter and they also entertained us with various skits scattered throughout theevening. After the noisy arrival of 1999, and after all the kissing and hugging by everyone and anybody, agenerous buffet of food was consumed and enjoyed. The dancing began all over again!!! It was a party!
Cobequid Twirlers 25th Anniversary Dance : The Cobequid Twirlers celebrated their 25thAnniversary, November 17, 1998. Preparations began in early October with all previous callers andfounding couples given a personal invitation by telephone to attend. Notices were in newspapers in orderto get the information out to the former members in hopes of a great reunion. We were rewarded with 108in attendance, a wonderful evening of dancing, the exchange of old memories and the renewal offriendships. We also welcomed dancers from the Strathmore Strutters, Scotia Dancers and MetroMerrymakers.
The Master of Ceremonies was our club caller, Barry Bendle and the welcoming address was givenby Everill Goff. He also gave a brief history of the Club with special mention of Vern Carmichael, theclub's first caller. We were pleased to have his wife Mildred in attendance.
Callers for the evening were Jack MacArthur, Hilton MacIntosh, Bob Fiddes, and Barry Bendle.
Co-ordinated by Hilton these callers made it a most enjoyable evening.
Displays were set up at the back of the hall with pictures and notes that were collected frommembers. The highlight was a square dance quilt made by club members as a gift to the Carmichael's upontheir retirement. Each square was personally done by a square dance couple and their names embroideredon as a finishing touch. It was assembled, quilted and presented to Vern and Mildred.
The evening was brought to a close with cake, ice-cream, tea, and coffee. We are now lookingforward to the Lobster Jamboree planned for June 5, 1999 with caller, Ken MacLeod & cuer Alex Ritchie.
Suggested Teaching Order
CALLERLAB has produced this updated Basic and Mainstream Program list. Revised April 1998. They have not deleted or addedany calls but they have renumbered and reworded the list to modernize and clarify the moves that should betaught to Mainstream dancers.
This list is furnished through the courtesy of CALLERLAB and yourlocal CAILERLAB callers.
CALLERLAB recommends that the Mainstream Program, calls 1-71, betaught in not less than sixty (60) hours. CALLERLAB also recommendsthat calls be taught from more than a single position or formation and thatstyling and timing be included as a part of the teaching program. Calls inItalics may be deferred until later in the teaching sequence.
There is NO program called the Mainstream/Plus Program. No dancer isrequired to know Plus calls to attend a Mainstream open dance. Please advertise dance programs as Mainstream or Plus, NOT Mainstream/Plus.
Any dancer wishing to become an instructor in any of the dance activities sponsored by the Society or currentinstructor wishing to upgrade skills may apply through their Provincial Federation to the Canadian square andRound Dance Society for a bursary to help offset expenses incurred.
Professional Development Chaircouple
Laurence and Alice Harrison
41 Clifford Street
Amherst, Nova Scotia, B4H 2G3
Phone & Fax: (902)667-2021
The following are the current members of the executive of SRDFNS. Do not hesitate to contact any ofyour Federation's executive officers with any good ideas, suggestions, or concerns that you may have. Theyexist to serve you and to help make the world of square and round dancing in Nova Scotia a healthy world.
Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Finance Officer Publications Between Tips, Editor Publicity Officer | Central Region Rep Valley Region Rep South Shore Region Rep (1) South Shore Region Rep (2) Fundy Region Rep Highland Region Rep Cape Breton Region Rep ANSSRDT Rep National Society Rep |